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Exam Notes - Memorization Tool

Discuss the impact of traditional conservatism on the development of Canada. Explore the ideas and career of John A. Macdonald in your answer you should focus more on the role of traditional conservatism in the development of Canada. You will need, as well, to point to the episodes in Macdonald's career in which he took steps that exemplified traditional conservatism---i.e. Confederation and the National Policy.

Here are some reading suggestions: Donald Creighton, John A. Macdonald (voles 1 and 2); Donald Creighton, The Road to Confederation; Carl Berger, The Sense of Power; and George Grant, Lament for a Nation.

1870s, more than 10 years after confederation, Canadian economics stagnant, no shortage of resources only the means to profit from them.

Support establishment of street Canadians

Link Sea to seas

Exploring western territories.

National policy

Framework for Canadian development.

Several decades

Np proved

White elephant USA a major player uncle Sam

Heart of the policy

Protective measures



Raised tariffs on products imported from the US

Canadian business younger

Not large customer base

They produced less

Sold goods at higher prices than US

Canadians reluctant to buy Canadian goods and products

It made Canadians


tariffs US raised

more expensive than Canadian

supporting the growth NP created job creation

increase from tariffs 75% income came from there

transcontinental railway funding

national unity bolstering

railway represented means to open west to settlement

western colonization

guaranteed Canadian trade along east west axis

without attracting immigrants settled in the US

Canadians had to wait until the end of the 19gh and economic boom for NP for bear fruit

Macdonald the father of Canada

Steps he took to exemplify traditional conservatism


Immigrated to Canada

Poor family

Sent to school


He wanted to be a writer

Became a lawyer

Benefit his family

Always caring for providing for his family

Prime minister of Canada became

As a lawyer

People who hadn’t paid their bills firs cases

Humor strong anecdote to knowledge

Started working at 15

Rise in profession

Upper and lower caned conflict

Dive into politics 1843

Started politically

Liberal conservative party

Hard and determined young worker

Confederation to get

Convincing everyone and it was created and passed

He was knighted

Fathers of confederation


McDonald as a prime minister

from sea to sea

gather people to come to Canada

Bought land in Canada to make it a bigger country

Canada grew

A father

Large difficulties

Railways plan accused of taking bribes

He was chosen twice as a prime minister

Pacific scandal

Railway from sea to sea

1885 plan completed

his final years

1892 had a stroke could no longer speak and died a week late on June 6 1891

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